Analyzing Carb Cleaner VS Brake Cleaner With Potential Issues

As a concerned driver, are you worried about the damage to the Carburetor and brake? Won’t you reach the final decision? How can you make it clear with an appropriate cleaner? Here we focus on the Carb Cleaner VS Brake Cleaner in detail.

The Carb cleaner ensures the safety of the Carburetor, and the Brake Cleaner is for the brake. Carb cleaners don’t dissolve grease and leave an essential residue to escape the Carburetor from unethical damages. Brake Cleaner is generally used to keep fit brake disks, composition, and the engine compartment and dissolve oily or greasy residue rubbish and dirt.

So, both are responsible for dissolving grease along with garbage and fluid. Crab and Brake Cleaner perform well from each position to keep Carburetor and brake components.

Let’s check the comparison term.

Comparison Table

CategoryCarb CleanerBrake Cleaner
NatureOil BasedOil-Free
Area of WorksThrottle Body & CarburetorBrake Pads, Shoes & Drums
Dry PeriodSlowFast
IngredientsToluene, Acetone, Propend, Xylene, Ethylene Benzene,Dichloromethane, Heptanes, Octane, CO2
Rubber & Plastic SurfacesSafeNot Safe At All

Details Comparison: Carb Cleaner VS Brake Cleaner  

After distinguishing the comparison table, we would get a basic view of these two cleaners. For their specific criteria, they are performing better and bear the same value. But their uses and characters are different from each other. Here we try to focus on comparing crab and Brake Cleaner details.


The Carb Cleaner is oil-based and specially manufactured to clean carbon deposits. It’s also essential to ensure the safety of the Carburetor and increase durability for long time performance.

On the other hand, the Brake Cleaner is free from oil. It’s specially designed for cleaning hardened deposits of metal parts, grease, oil, starter fluid, etc. For its oil-free nature, it would be easy to keep fit engine components from an oily mood.


After using the Carb Cleaner, leave a residue. It even dissolves greasy to protect the Carburetor cleaner from unethical damages. So, residue plays an influential role in increasing Carburetor strength.

The Brake Cleaner is free from residue, essential to keep fit inside engine components. If there is any residue, it will cause significant damage. That’s why it is as if there is no option to lick oil.

Area of Works

The carb cleaner is specially made to ensure the safety of the Carburetor and throttle body. Both of the two are more essential parts of the engine. Carb Cleaner cleans all greasy, fluid, and rubbish from the Carburetor cleaner.

On the other hand, the Brake Cleaner works to clean the brake clean shoes, pads, and drums. These components are closely related to the engine. To ensure the engine’s safety, we need to ensure the safety of brake parts is cleaner.

Dry Period

In crab, the dry period is slower than the other cleaner. Carb Cleaner takes time to smoothly reach the inside of the Carburetor and throttle body. That’s why you think it becomes slow but works gently and does its job with responsibility.

But the Brake Cleaner is faster than the other cleaner and takes a short time to dry. It’s specially designed for inside engine-related components, so it needed to dry fast. Otherwise, the inside system would be terminated into significant damage.


Toluene, Acetone, Propend, Xylene, and Ethylene Benzene are the main ingredients of Carb Cleaner. These chemicals are more effective in getting rid of rust or oxygen reactions and ensuring the best safety of Carburetors.

On the other hand, Dichloromethane, Heptanes, Octane, and CO2 are the main elements of Brake Cleaner. That would make the cleaner faster to absorb and suck all greasy rubbish from break compositions.

Rubber & Plastic Surfaces

The carb cleaner is helpful on rubber or plastic surfaces. There are no chemical reactions that can create any damage. As a result, the throttle body and Carburetor will resist free from heat and pressure.

On the other hand, the Brake Cleaner is not usable on any surface. Its active chemical ingredients in plastic and rubber surfaces can cause damage. That’s why it’s valid only for iron base metal components.

Comparison Results

After finishing the details comparing crab and Brake Cleaner characters and specific criteria, we would reach the final results.

Here we try to simplify which is the best according to their overall performance. Though they play the same role from each position, we distinguish their characters. Let’s check the comparison results.

Nature: For oil-free spirits, the Brake Cleaner will go ahead.

Residue: The Brake Cleaner will go ahead in this race for free residue.

Area of Works: They play in different locations and bear the same work value.

Dry Period: The Carb Cleaner may be slower than the Brake Cleaner.

Ingredients: The crab bears the most neutral elements than the Brake Cleaner.

Rubber & Plastic Surface: The Brake Cleaner has a chemical reaction in rubber & plastic surfaces.

Note: The result is made by distinguishing some contractor facts. You should select the best one by simplifying their character according to your needs. Before applying, check all their instructions correctly.

What Is Brake Cleaner?

The best CRC Brake Cleaner is generally used to clean brake shoes, pads, drums, linings, and rotors and ensure the safety of internal engine components.

So, using Brake Cleaner, you get bright and damage-free brake compositions. That is essential for long-lasting performance.

So, to keep fit your brake and engine components, Brake Cleaner plays a prominent role. Let’s check its different forms in brief.


  • Fast Dry Cleaner
  • Ensure Brake & Engine Components’ safety
  • Oily Residue-Free


  • Not Usable In plastic & Rubber Surfaces

What Is Carb Cleaner?

Carb Cleaner is specially made for Carburetor safety. The best Carb Cleaner performs better to keep your Carburetor and throttle body cleaner from rubbish or harmful particles.

Crab Cleaner would be usable on any surface with its reaction-free chemical ingredients. Here, leaves residue with an oily mood that is essential to increase your Carburetor durability and throttle cleaner. Let’s check its specific form in brief.


  • Usable In Plastic & Rubber Parts Surface
  • 360 Degree Spray System without Disassembly
  • Clutch Chatter & Reduce Disk Brake Squeal


  • Need more time to Dry

Chlorinated & Non-Chlorinated Cleaner

The Chlorinated Brake Cleaner is introduced with Tetrachloroethylene, which is dangerous on first use. If you have no idea using this type of Brake Cleaner, you should avoid it.

Otherwise, it can damage your brake and engine-sensitive components. A potential combination of chlorinated solvents has powerful chemicals that can cause unexpected reactions, and it’s not safe for beginners.

Non-chlorinated is introduced with chemical reaction-free ingredients that would help to dry fast. So for the safety matter, a Non-Chlorinated Brake Cleaner will be the best option for beginners.

It’s even easy to use and gives you a smooth coating of simple green to save your brake and engine for a long time.

People Often Ask

Is It Right To Use wd40 As Brake Cleaner?

Yes, you can use wd40 as the replacement for the Brake Cleaner. For dissolving residual, working fast, brake fluid and grease leave quickly; it would help clean inside engine components and joints vacuum leaks. That is essential to increase the long-lasting performance of the engine.

Can I Use Paint Thinner In Carburetor?

It’s a bit risky because the paint thinner can damage your Carburetor seals. But if you want to use a painted surface, you need to remove all seals before applying them to the Carburetor stains. But it should avoid ensuring the safety of the Carburetor.

Is Engine Degreaser Perfect Instead Of Brake Cleaner?

For an oily mood, it’s not perfect at all. Many people said that the price of a Brake Cleaner is a little high. That’s why they influence the use of engine degreasers.

It will not be wise because the oily mood can damage your internal sensitive components.

Can I Use a Carb Cleaner Instead Of a Brake Cleaner?

They bear different characteristics that are why it wouldn’t be the right decision. If you are wearing a pair of nitrile gloves for cleaning, you can feel the greasy and oily mood of the two. So have a recommendation not to use Carb Cleaner in brake rotors.

On Brake Rotors, Is It Right To Spray Brake Cleaner?

The Brake Cleaner is specially made for brake shoes, pads, drums, rotors, linings, caliper units, etc. So, you can spray Brake Cleaner into rotors. But keep in mind, gently control the pressure of fuel that would save your Brake Cleaning from waste.


Hopefully, you get a clear concept of Carb Cleaner VS Brake Cleaner. Now it’s easy to reach the final decision to select anyone, according to your demand. The Carb Cleaner focuses safety of the throttle body and Carburetor from greasy or rubbish. 

On the other hand, the Brake Cleaner focuses on protecting brake shoes, drums, and plugs with other inside engine components, increasing its durability.

So, if you need to clean the Carburetor, you should use Carb Cleaner; otherwise, you can use Brake Cleaner. If you have any confusion, reread the content. You even take the help of an expert or related manufacturer.

That is all for today. Thanks for staying with us.

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