How Many Miles Can a Jeep Wrangler Last? Know Everything About It

Since World War II, Jeep Wranglers are one of the most wanted and popular off-road vehicles to enthusiasts from all over the world. They have created such an excellent image in the market with their high-quality, unique features, strong physique, and durability. Jeep lovers always try to collect Jeep Wranglers as the shadow of their off-street journeys.

But before getting on the road with your newly bought shiny jeep wrangler, you need to know how many miles they can last on the journey. You need to be sure of their durability. 

So, How many miles can a Jeep Wrangler last? You should know that the jeep wrangler is one of the most durable rides available in the market and they can easily run up to 20,000 miles in a single run. But with good care, it can go up eventually to 40,000 miles.  

How Many Miles Can a Jeep Wrangler Last?

How many miles can a Jeep Wrangler last

During World War II, Jeep Wranglers were manufactured to serve a special purpose. They were used in the most difficult situations in defeating the opponent. Because of their strong outfits, Jeep Wranglers could sustain in any kind of harsh environment. 

They could make their way through the snow, mountains, deserts, and even beaches. In fact, Jeep Wranglers were the most reliable vehicle at the time of World War II. 

Starting from then, the manufacturer of Jeep Wranglers has made a lot of modifications in the outfits and components of the vehicles to make them compatible with the ever-growing demands. 

Each year, the company’s R&D department researches the demands and modern technology required in this era and provides a detailed report on what things they have to add to or change in the vehicle. 

If you see the models to date, you will see the types of modifications the engineers went up with the Jeep wranglers. Each new model has some additional features which are contributing to Jeep Wranglers’ useful life.  

According to some reports, a Jeep Wrangler can run 200,000 miles with average care and maintenance. Even a used one can cover up to 200,000 miles if decent care and maintenance are made sure of by the owner regularly.

However, a new Jeep Wrangler which gets more care and frequent maintenance can run up to 400,000 miles efficiently. But if you ask how many miles on a jeep wrangler is too much,  then the highest mileage would be 400,000 compared to the average mileage of 200,000

So, you can see that the average mileage of a jeep wrangler depends highly on proper care and maintenance that you have to take from time to time. If you give some additional effort, then you can easily exceed the highest mileage of the Jeep. So, the more effort you give into the ride, the more effective service it will provide. 

The Parts Which You Should Maintain Regularly 

You might have known by now that proper care and maintenance are preconditions to enhance the lifespan of a Jeep Wrangler. So, if you want to enjoy a long way with your vehicle, you have to take adequate care of it. To make your way easier, we have listed down the parts that should take the most care of. 

1. Changing Oil:

Changing oil is an important adjustment for a Jeep Wrangler. In every 4000 miles interval, you will need to change the oil for your Jeep. But if you hardly drive your vehicle, then you can change the oil every 7500 miles. 

This is an advantage for Jeep Wranglers users. Moreover, the oil change indicator of the Wranglers will notify you whenever you need to change the oil. Also, do not forget to change the Jeep filter after you have changed the oil.

Filter changing can wait for up to 20,000 miles if you want. While changing the oil, check the tires and wheel alignment of your Jeep to ensure they are in good condition. If you notice any damage, fix it out properly for a safe ride. Rebalance the Jeep’s tires every 6000-8000 miles interval and conduct the wheel alignment every 20,000 miles. 

Small AdjustmentsIntervals
Changing Oil4000-7500 miles 
Filter Alteration 20,000 miles 
Tire Rebalance6000-8000 miles
Wheel Alignment 20,000 miles

2. Brake Repairs:

Brakes are integral parts of a vehicle. When you buy a new Jeep, you get a brand new front brake and a rear brake. Unfortunately, they get damaged eventually in the course of driving. The extent of that damage depends on how often you use your Jeep and which type of street you prefer to drive mostly.  

If you find your brakes making squeaky noises, send your vehicle for a professional inspection. In case any part of the brakes is found worn out, restore that with a new one. However, the brake pads need a usual replacement after almost 35,000 miles in order to upgrade the performance level. 

3. Repairing the Suspension System:

The suspension system of your Jeep provides traction and keeps the wheels on the ground. It gives trouble-free smooth driving even on the off-streets. But over time, the suspension system can also get damaged. As a result, you may have to encounter some troublesome and unpleasant rides. You can even face serious accidents due to losing control over your Jeep. 

Now that you know how important the suspension system is and what can happen if it breaks down, you should take good care of it. Operating a regular inspection of the suspension system and fixing any problem instantly can be a good way of maintaining the suspension system. And restore the parts of the suspension system, if found worn out. 

4. Maintaining the Battery:

When it comes to the battery, proper maintenance is literally overlooked. Why? 

When you know the battery of a Jeep Wrangler lasts for 3-4 years, you may grow a habit to pay less attention to its maintenance. Taking only a little care might seem to be too much. But do you know you can prolong its useful life by taking some prudent initiatives? 

That’s true. You can enhance the usefulness of your battery by washing the battery terminals regularly, tightening the cables, and fastening the rods in place. 

5. Tuning up the Engine:

The engine is the main working section of a vehicle. You may call it the soul of a vehicle since it regulates the entire functions of any ride.

If your Jeep’s engine stops working for any reason, the entire Jeep will become useless. So, you have to take proper care of it. To increase the durability & power of your engine, make sure that the drive belt, plugging, engine timing belt, and hose are functioning accordingly. You can operate this regular check-up every 20,000 miles. 

If any of the engine parts get damaged, you will have to replace that part immediately. However, you may normally change these parts after 40,000- 80,000 miles. Use such engine oil that can reduce friction. This maintenance will make your Jeep more smooth as well as functional.

6. Protect the Soft Top:

Jeep Wranglers offer users to choose between a hardtop and a soft top. While hardtops are made of solid materials, soft tops contain sailcloth vinyl which is very sensitive.

If you choose a soft top for your expensive ride, you will have to keep it safe from all kinds of damage.  Always park your Jeep Wrangler in a covered place so that snow, rain, hail, and storms can’t harm it anyway.  Clean your soft top with hot water mixed with mild washing detergent.

While washing, use a soft cloth to wipe out the dirt and filth totally. Never mistake to use any cleaning brush because it can draw scratch marks on the soft top. 

If any wear and tear are found on the soft top, use soft top kits to repair it by yourself. In case of any serious damage, set it for professional service. Replace your windows after every five years if you live in hot weather. This is how your soft top can last long in excellent condition. 

7. Upgrade the Shock Absorber:

Shock absorbers are an essential part of a Jeep. On average, shock absorbers last 5-6 years if you use your Jeep regularly. But it is not true in all situations. That’s why you will need to check your Jeep’s shock absorbers every once a year. 

Again, some Jeep Wrangler owners recommend inspecting between 40,000 to 50,000 miles. If you find your shock absorbers completely damaged, you will have to replace them with new absorbers. In that case, install upgrade absorbers rather than replace them with a similar standard. 

8. Preventing Rust:

As many parts of a Jeep Wrangler are made of metal, there is an alarming chance to get infected by rust. Especially, when you are driving through moist terrains. In that case, the bottom parts of your Jeep will get worn out quickly. 

So, make regular inspections of your Jeep to find out the damages. Then replace the damaged part with new materials. In addition to this, change your cabin filter and air conditioning every 20,000 miles interval. Besides, inspect other parts of your Jeep Wrangler including the universal joints, parking brake, transfer case fluid, CV, brake linings, and tie rod ends. 

Change the axle fluid of your Jeep every 40,000 miles if you use it for heavy work. Again, tidy up the drum brakes to remove mud or snow clinging to the brakes. Otherwise, your Jeep will lose its power to stop at the right time. 

How Much Do I Need to Maintain My Jeep Wrangler? 

Jeep Wranglers are not costly to maintain at all. According to the 2019’s report of, you have to spend 651 US dollars to get regular maintenance of your Jeep Wrangler which is only $20 higher than the national average cost for the maintenance of all vehicle models. However, you can serve the average maintenance of your Jeep with 450 US dollars per year. 

How Long Do Jeep Wranglers Last? 

On average, a normal Jeep Wrangler lasts more than 5 years with little care and limited adjustments. But if you take great care of your Jeep, it can give you a useful life of about 15-20 years without any major problems. However, without any kind of adjustments, you may enjoy the highest 5 years with your exclusive ride. 

Final Thoughts

Now you know how many miles can a Jeep Wrangler last.  Besides, you have a total heading to improve the durability of your Jeep Wrangler.

Make your effective decision right now to enjoy a long and beautiful journey with your Jeep. Remember to drive your vehicle smartly to protect it from accidents and external effects. Besides, ensure time-to-time upgrading measures of your ride. 

And, never ever ignore a major problem that might arise in your wrangler. Taking care of the problem instantly will help you to have a long service with it.

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